Personal Injury – claim compensation with our Swindon solicitors.

Our experts at Accident Claims Swindon are committed to helping you claim the compensation you are owed following an accident. We help the people of Swindon with not only legal representation, but also getting them the care required to get their life back.

We offer a No Win, No Fee* service, so that there is less for you to worry about as we get you the damages you deserve.

No matter how you were injured, contact us to start your recovery today on 01793 351 100^.

Types of personal injury claims we can help with:

There are many forms a personal injury can take, and the team at Accident Claims Swindon will help you however you have been hurt in Swindon.

Head Injuries

If you have suffered a head injury in Swindon, the implications could be severe. We help our clients claim compensation not only for the injury, but for potentially life altering changes to their daily life. Regardless of the severity, be it a concussion that was not your fault, or a more serious injury, our solicitors can help you.

Brain Injury & Brain Damage

Few things are as serious as a brain injury. We help the residents of Swindon who have been affected by brain injuries claim the compensation they require to deal with the fallout of their personal injury.

Face & Eye Injury

The ramifications of a face injury go beyond the pain and suffering, there are long-term circumstances that can reduce a person’s ability to enjoy life. Injuries to sensory organs like our eyes can remove our access to life. Facial scarring can lead to low self-esteem in a person, which can inhibit their ambitions further. If you have been impacted in any way by a face injury, our panel of solicitors for Swindon can help you seek the compensation you deserve.

Back & Spinal Injury

Whilst not all back injuries are drastically life-altering, such as spinal injuries, even minor injuries and musculoskeletal disorders can cause a lifetime of pain. At Accident Claims Swindon we help those who have suffered a back injury claim compensation for the original incident, as well as help them recover with access to physiotherapy or any other types of care they may need.

Neck Injuries

The neck is a particularly susceptible, yet integral part of the human body. Not only does it transmit blood flow to our brains, but it also connects our minds to the rest of our body, allowing us the autonomy of movement we have come to take for granted. Any damage to the neck presents a considerable risk of paralysis or even death. That is why our team at Accident Claims Swindon are committed to securing you the highest reparation possible for your injury and to help you adjust, where necessary, to any consequences from the accident.

Shoulder Injury

An injured shoulder can cause all manner of complications for a person’s general wellbeing, potentially stripping them of their access to leisure and even work. If you have had a shoulder injury because of someone else in Swindon, we can provide legal representation and get you the personal injury compensation you deserve.

Chest Injuries

Damage to your chest could lead to a cascade of organ problems, especially where the heart and lungs are concerned. If you have been in an accident that you weren’t to blame for, and it caused a chest injury, contact our team at Accident Claims Swindon to start your compensation claim now.

Arm and Elbow Injuries

From fractured bones to amputations, the level of harm our arms can take varies and can have substantial outcomes outside of the original injury. That why it is important for us at Accident Claims Swindon to treat all cases seriously, regardless of the severity. If your arm has been injured, our panel of solicitors will see to it that you get the compensation best fitting your situation.  

Hand and Finger Injuries

Something as simple as a hand injury could put you out of work, and a finger injury, such a losing a finger, could see your access to everyday things limited substantially. This is why it is important that our panel solicitors for Swindon make every conceivable consideration to make sure your compensation reflects the impact a personal injury such as this can have on your life.

Hip Injuries

A hip injury can put anyone out of commission, regardless of their age. At Accident Claims Swindon, we handle any and all case of hip damage. We will make sure that your compensation award reflects the severity and long-term ramifications of your injury.

Leg & Knee Injuries

Leg injuries can put a person on bed rest for a considerable amount of time – that means losing work hours and consequently, financially stability. If you have been injured in your leg or your knee, and it was not your fault, we can help you claim the compensation you deserve. Call Accident Claims Swindon now on 01793 351 100^ to start your claim.

Foot & Ankle Injuries

Injuring your foot, thankfully, is mostly an annoyance. However, the foot is home to a complex bone structure as well as a frail set of ligaments and tendons, which means damage to the foot could result in long-term issues. If you have injured you whole foot, ankle or toes, our panel of personal injury solicitors for Swindon will see to it you are compensated in a way the reflects any ongoing issues you may have.

Damage to Internal Organs

Organ damage will often come from a seriously traumatic accident, or some form of debilitating illness. If you have suffered organ damage, and the cause of it is not your fault, our panel of solicitors for Swindon will help you claim the maximum compensation owed to you.


Paralysis, however it is brought on, is something that scares everyone. The inability to function on your own, regardless of the level of paralysis, is stressful and demeaning – we all want to maintain our autonomy. If you or someone you love has become paralysed through no fault of their own, our team at Accident Claims Swindon will help you claim compensation and seek the care needed to manage this delicate situation long-term.

Lung Disease

If you or someone dear to you has developed a lung disease through exposure to a substance or working conditions, contact us. Our panel of personal injury solicitors for Swindon are experts in claiming compensation for accidents and industrial diseases.

Contact Accident Claims Swindon

Our panel of expert personal injury solicitors for Swindon can help you claim compensation for many types of accidents, with provision that it wasn’t your fault. If you want to seek damages, contact Accident Claims Swindon on 01793 351 100^ to speak with an expert. We’re here to help.

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